Tuesday, March 11


My life is filled with things that come and go and come and go again, kind of like waves. They usually don't disappear entirely, but they come on strong and then fade away and then come back again. One major wave is working out: I'll be really dedicated for a while and then I just won't do anyhting for several weeks. I think I gained 10 pounds when I was home for Christmas; all i did was eat awesome food and meet people for coffee! But then I went to Thailand and Cambodia and walked several hours a day. I'm pretty sure this will continue throughout my life; I'll get sick of it so I'll stop for a while, but then I have this deep desire to be a sexy 40 year-old so I'll go back to it. ;) And then there's the wave of music preference. One week I'm listening to Sufjan Stevens, the next week it's the latest pop songs, and the next I'll be craving Beyonce or Timbaland. Another wave is reading. One month I'll read 3 or 4 books, the next I won't get past more than 4 chapters in a book. There a so many waves: love Korea, sick of Korea; estudiar Espanol, avoid Spanish like the plague; cook, eat out; miss Jenni a lot, really miss Jenni (ok, that one doesn't change so much); read the Bible, hear the Bible read at church; call friends and family, live in a state of pre-object permanence; read the news on BBC or CNN, getting the weather report via my mom; and on and on.
This week the waves consist of working out, Stephen Speaks, Romans, loving Korea, really missing Jenni a lot, and calling friends. Next week: ???


Anonymous said...

I got your postcard!!!
Thanks man, it made my day!
I dont have a good way of contacting your currently so hopefully you get this...
hopefully one of your waves is missing Luke ;)
Hopefully this makes your day!

-Luke N

Cassie and Kevin Zonnefeld said...

Stale water does not refresh, however, I think you should stop exercising, I want another Lar

Dunkleburger said...

i understand your waves. i had been running, took a few weeks off, went again tonight and realized how "out of shape" i am...good luck