Thursday, October 23

Cali to Barista!

First of all, i'm not sure if anyone will read this now that I'm back in the US and accessible more easily by phone (515-402-9325). But if anyone is interested, I'll throw out a little update.
Since arriving back in the US a few days shy of 2 months ago, I've seen California, the Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, and the Grand Canyon all for the first time! Pretty amazing. I also went to my first country concert: Luke Bryan and Josh Turner! For someone who isn't too enthusiastic about country music, I really enjoyed the concert! I've also moved into my first apartment with a lease and bought my first matress. Fun stuff!
And now, I am a barista at Starbucks! Yep, I work at Starbucks. How is it? Very mixed. It's fun learning how to make all of the drinks and often fun doing it; but today I started at 5am and was busy making drinks non-stop from 6:30-9:45: not too fun! But, so far it has been a good experience and my boss and coworkers are really great, so that helps a lot.
If you're ever on I235 and going by the 73rd street exit, you might want to consider taking that exit and stopping in for an amazing beverage! :)