Tuesday, May 13

It's time...

In exactly 48 hours Jenni and I will be driving from the Busan airport to Kosin...together! A long distance relationship isn't all bad; you get to know the other person pretty well through countless conversations. But that might be where it ends. Distance really takes away a lot of the elements involved in a healthy, well rounded relationship. I could go on and on about how much distance sucks and all the things that you miss out on, but I won't. I'm just super excited that I can finally hear Jenni's voice without it being through a poorly connected phone line and see her face without it being on a computer screen or picture.
My point: I probably won't contact any of you in the next 14 days, nothing personal.

Tuesday, May 6

Happy 23rd!! :)

Lots of good friends came to celebrate! :)

Justin made me one of the best chocolate cakes I have ever had!!!

Peanut Butter M&M's!!!!! I love you Justin!! :D

Monday, May 5


My office has been really ugly since I got here; an off-white speckled with brown has been my surroundings. So, last night after watching Taken (a pretty exciting movie) Gary and I put on some music, stripped to our boxers, and painted my office...a surprisingly bright blue! It might be a little too bright actually, but we only painted 2 walls and will paint the third a really dark blue to balance things out. and yes, I do have four walls, but the fourth is already plain white and we might leave it that way. Anyway, color has come...and it's wonderful!!!