Thursday, March 20

Sunday: the Lord's day

Ok, as an alumni of Dordt College with a degree in theology, I firmly beleive that everyday is the Lord's, but we do often set aside Sunday as a day for rest and worship. Here in Korea, Sunday is much different from what I grew up with in North America. In the US and Canada, many churches have dropped their evening services while in Korea many churches have anywhere from 3-6 services! I often respect the dedication to prayer and communal worship that the Christians in Korea have; they are very focused on worshipping God in the classical pietistic ways. We Westerners maybe too often stray away from that, but the Korean worship also reflects the workaholic Korean culture. One student wrote, "the Lord's day is very busy and requires much exertion." I hope that you are finding a good balance of working for God while also taking time to rest in Him. Happy Good Friday!

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