Sunday, December 16

The End of Church!

While in Korea, the worst day of the week has usually been in Sunday. The second day in Korea Justin and I ignorantly agreed to teach Sunday School at a church. We soon discovered that the hour drive there, combined with all Korean services, poor translation (if any), having to stay there for almost all of the day, and discovering from from the translation we did receive that we wouldn't go to this church if it was in the USA made for a lot of boredom and annoyance. We probably would have tried to quit during the semester, but the church bought a car and donated it to the university so we could drive to the church every week (cutting the 2 hour public transportation commute in half). So, we stuck it out through the semester and informed them that we would not be returning after break. This means that today was the last day and that we are now free from our bondage! However, mthe people at the church are really kind and generous, so it is a little bit sad to be finished. My Sunday school class, composed mostly of university students and young adults, gave me a pair of shoes today as a gift! The shoes I have now have "lasted" two years and should have been thrown away 5 months ago (the entire toe folds back to reveal my sock on one, and there is a big hole in the side of the other). It was super generous of them, but they got the biggest size...they were 9.5's! hahaha! oh well, it's the thought that counts! :) They're going to return them.

1 comment:

Cassie and Kevin Zonnefeld said...

I would like to say that you did receive a pair of shoes, but rudely threw them away.
merry christmas