Monday, January 8

Preparing for departure

On the 21st of January I will embark upon perhaps the greatest adventure of my life (ok, maybe second to eating Jake's cooking) as I fly from Chicago to Seville. In Seville I will be living with a host family and perhaps one other student (I really don't know much yet). The classes consist of a sequence of four Spanish languge classes taught by professors of the Trinity Semester in Spain program. Beyond that, I'm not sure what to expect. I anticipate extreme frustration during the first month or so with not speaking Spanish very well. I'm sure they will ask for the hot sauce during lunch and I'll pass the dog, but hopefully I can catch on quickly. I guess my goals are to become conversationally fluent in Spanish, to learn a lot about the Spanish culture, and enjoy living in a different part of God's world. Right now I am getting more and more excited to leave and would appreciate your prayers for safety during travel.

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