Thursday, April 19

Island in the Sun

I feel like that song title from the great band Weever was appropriate as I prepare to depart for the Hawaii of Europe. Tomorrow my friend Tyler and I take a 1 am to 7 am bus to Madrid; followed by a 2:00 flight to Palma. Palma is the capital of Mallorca, the largest of the Balearic Islands. The plan is to get some food when we arrive and then find a good place outside of the city to camp for the night. After that we plan on hiking along the coast of the Island for two days and then back to Palma through the mountains. Hopefully it turns out to be an island flooded with sun, but sun or no sun I'm sure there are many adventures ahead. We then fly back to Madrid on Thursday to spend two days exploring the capital of Spain and relaxing with Kelly and April Krull (and baby). Prayers for safety in travels would be appreciated as well as continued parayers for discernment for what I should do next year.

1 comment:

Brett said...

Sounds like a fun vacation! Islands are awesome... Hope you're doing well and I'll send out some prayers for your trip. Take care.
