Sunday, March 25

Sights and thoughts from a chair in Starbucks.


Twirling steam playfully rises from the black surface,
The bitter liquid’s heat scalds taste buds.
Eyelids rise as caffeine begins to pulse through my veins.
Comfort of the familiar settles.
This place is safe, comfortable...good.

Two euros for a coffee, three for cheesecake,
A frappachino pushes near four.
Luna sits a block away; hands open,
Holes in her socks and longing in her eyes,
Begging for mere centimos to feed her family.
That isn’t right, that isn’t…good.
Tension grips my soul...eyes wander.

Eyes stop.
“Casino Royale.” Now that’s a movie!
Live for money, kill to get it, kill to keep it,
Plus sexual encounters along the way!
A black, leather-bound Bible lies open in front of me.
This place...good?

My eyes glide over phrases in Matthew,
“You have heard that it was said, ´You shall not...´.”
Focus is lost, another scan of the surroundings.
An FHM sign captivates my gaze.
Beautiful women...sexual women...sexual objects.
Gouge out an eye! Not objects, image bearers!
Where is the good?

My head is spinning, how do I respond?
Injustice, greed, and temptation envelope me.
Society feeds a beast of emptiness within.
Jealousy, greed, lust, hate...the beast grows.
It’s chocking, kill the beast or be killed!
But how? I need to be filled with something,
Something more powerful than the beast,
More powerful than the deceptions that feed it.
I need truth, I need substance, I need...Good!

1 comment:

Cassie and Kevin Zonnefeld said...

I am not a big fan of the starbucks, but overall enjoy this post a great deal. I have been thinking lately, what is the point of this humble bean, a whole establishment set up for luxury--to provide college students with frappes and mochas. A whole building based on higher education. What about our simple call to follow, to show and eventually lead, is all this stuff not getting in the way? How easy it is to pick up a book about God, much easier than the Bible!? Satan is so powerful. Why can I not just be addicted to God like the coke addict who cannot wait for his next line? Why does all this shit get in the way, all the bad, seemingly so much easier junk take precedence? Remember to keep God at your focus and to move on. Hopefully even the stuff that gets in the way will lead you closer to Him.