Wednesday, February 7


This past weekend we went to Cordoba, a town just Northeat of Sevilla. The main attraction is a giant Mosque/Cathedral. For about one century Cordoba became one of the most important cities in the Muslim world when a prince moved there and built a mosque. The mosque has a buitiful courtyard, an elegant bell tower, and is famous for the hundreds of arces inside. When the Christians drove the Muslims out of Cordoba (in a very Christ-like manner I'm sure) they built a Cathedral inside the central part of the mosque. the cathedral has beautiful carvings on the ceiling, magnificent statues, and rich mahogoney benches. The combination of the Mosque and Cathedral was fascinating; to see a shared place of worship between the largest, and perhaps most historically combative, religions really makes one think of both the brokenness of man's relationships and the confusion within our world. I'm sure Justin is faced with this a lot more than I am at this point.

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