Thursday, April 17

Australia = America (sometimes)

As I left the office yesterday, I wanted to have nothing to do with Korean food for supper. Don't get me wrong, I love Korean food, but I was just sick of it. I also didn't want to make any of the semi-American food that we had at our apartment; you can only eat toast, or eggs, or pancakes so many times. Upon arriving home, I found Justin laying on his bed, looking beaten down and tired (it's been a long week). Last semester, at times like this, we would go to the United Seaman's Service; a restaurant that serve's awesome hamburgers, fries, and imported beer. However, the USS became a members only establishment, so we were denied service the last time we went. So, last night we opened up our wallets and went to Australia (or the Outback Steakhouse) with Gary and consumed a ton of BREAD and shared a pitcher of Foster's draft beer (Korean beer is terrible!). Oh, Gina came too, but just for the company b/c she already ate. She's good company. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm..never had fosters before, is it good?

ps. who's the hottie in the red shirt?