Saturday, August 25

Off to Korea!

At this moment I am crossing over the Bering Sea on my way to Tokyo Japan. I know, it's crazy After returning from Spain 2 months ago I am off to Asia with my best friend to teach English at a university! We have no clue about our classes and we begin teaching on the 27th (we think). Excitement is welling up inside of me. I wonder about the food, the people, the experience of being a professor, the friendships I will form, the lessons I will learn. There is so much that lies ahead of me that I have no clue is coming, that will change who I am and how I live my life. It's crazy.
Of course, moving to Korea to experience new adventures means saying good-bye to friends and family once again. I am not an extremely emotional person when it comes to good-byes; perhaps it is because I have done it quite a lot, or perhaps I am just cold hearted. :) I feel like most of my good-byes are simply 'see you laters' and that some day I will see all of you again in a joyous reunion when we can share stories and laugh and delight in one another’s presence. Because of that, now, at this moment, sorrow is not present. That being said, I do care about you all as I leave and would love to receive emails about what is going on in your lives. []. That is also crazy; I'm going to be half way around the world and can still cultivate and deepen relationships with friends in Iowa, Arkansas, Spain, and anywhere else in the world.
But the craziest thing about this all has not been mentioned yet. The craziest thing is that I am sitting inside of this giant metal object full of hundreds of people, bags, and who knows how many pounds of fuel, cruising at 37,000 feet at a rate of 500 mph. Now that is crazy! The fact that something this big can actually stay up in the air is amazing; a lot more amazing than some college graduate heading off to Korea.
Anyway, Justin and I have the important task of making friendly conversation with the stewardesses so we can get our hands on a piece of the first class cheesecake that is sitting in some cooler in the back of the plane. Mmmm!


Jeremiah said...

Hey Adam, I'll be praying for you, and I hope your time in South Korea is awesome. Classes are just starting today here at Dordt, which I'm somewhat excited for. Do you know yet how long you'll be in Korea?

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam! I'm glad I got to camp with you before you left the country! I hope you have an awesome experience (I'm sure you will!) I'll be thinking of and praying for you!