Friday, May 11

The End of a Chapter

The past two weeks since my crazy trip during Feria have been filled with a lot of little ups and downs. The most obvious down has been going back to class; nobody ever wants to go back to school or work after a vacation and i think even less people want to go back to learning Spanish gramar and the subjunctive. However, sandwhiched in the middle of 2 weeks of class was an amazing bright spot: Lagos, Portugal! Last weekend I went to a beach town called Lagos on the coast of Portugal and enjoyed many wonderful things including: sun, sand, swimming in the ocean, good food, laughs, ´light ´em up´, rock climbing, miny cliff diving, and my 22nd birthday. It was an amazing weekend full of fun and friends.
Another up is that I only have one day of class and one test left in college! It´s crazy to think that I´m graduating. That being said, graduation is also a down. Today is the graduation ceremony at Dordt, something I originally didn´t think I would care about missing; however, now I am really wishing I could be there to see a lot of my great friends and share a few last memories together. I guess I feel like I am missing closure in my college career.
Although missing grad is a bummer, I am looking forward to the visit of Jenni Van Wyk in Sevilla next week and after that I have a month of traveling in Spain and seeing incredible things; which will be capped off with 6 days with Aaron in Barcelona and northern Spain. Part of that month, almost 2 weeks, is probably going to be spent by myself hiking a trail in northern Spain. During that time I hope to do a lot of reading and reflecting. As I graduate a chapter of my life is ending, which is sad in many ways, but a new chapter is also beginning and brings with it much excitement. It will be interesting to see where God brings me as I move ahead in my life.
So today, as a chapter closes in my life, I will celebrate my graduation and friendships at Dordt, and also look ahead with anticipation to the future.
Andrew & Justin: wish I could be with you today boys, it´s been amazing and will continue to be!

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